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Bringing People Together to Build Homes, Communities, and Hope

Join our mission fostering community, strength, and self-reliance through the power of shelter.

35-100_2_desktop.jpgCelebrating 35 years and 100 families

35 Years and 100 Families

Celebrating 35 years of building homes and changing lives! In 2025, we proudly move our 100th family into a safe, affordable home. Join us in making a lasting impact. Learn more about our journey and how you can help!

Prescott Area Habitat for Humanity (PAHH)

We are a nonprofit, Christian based organization that seeks to eliminate poor housing conditions and unaffordable housing circumstances for families in our community. We make simple, decent shelter a matter of priority, conscience and action. People from all walks of life work together in partnership to build houses with qualified families. Since 1989 PAHH has served 99 families in houses constructed in the Tri-City region including Prescott, Prescott Valley, and Chino Valley.

PAHH provides a hand up to families in need by building homes in partnership with them and by working with others to rebuild their neighborhoods. Housing costs are kept low through volunteer labor. Partner families invest hundreds of sweat-equity hours of their own labor into building their own house and the houses of others.

There are many ways to support PAHH. For example, volunteer on a construction site; serve on our board of directors; help at PAHH-sponsored events; participate on a committee; assist in our ReStore; or work in our office. And of course your monetary donations, which go directly to building sustainable, affordable homes, are always appreciated.


August 13

Join us for the 23rd annual Golf FORE Homes tournament on August 13 at StoneRidge Golf Course! Support Prescott Area Habitat for Humanity while enjoying a day of golf, prizes, and community fun.

Save the date!
Registration will open soon

Golf Tournament image
Golf FORE Homes 2024

Enjoy highlights from our successful 2024 FUNdraiser

Habitat ReStore

Habitat ReStore is a home-improvement thrift store whose profits benefit our mission. Our ReStore accepts donations of new and gently used furniture, appliances, and bulding materials and sell them to the public at a fraction of the retail price.


Shop ReStore

1061 Commerce Dr, Prescott AZ 86305

Phone: 928-771-1777

Store Hours

Tuesday-Saturday 9am-4pm

Donation Drop-Off Hours

Tuesday-Saturday 9:30am-3:30pm

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Miter Foundation logo
Yavapai Title logo
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Join Us Now in Building a Better Future!